
seasons collection

Inspired by seasons, I create collections which capture a fragment of time in the form of a petal, leaf, seed pod, branch and other bits of plant matter. Making these parts in silver, bronze, copper, stone and glass is an alchemy of materials, in which these fragments become tangible and wearable. The abstraction of these forms allows those viewing them to hold the secret of their story (and mine) as they wear these pieces. Shapes and colors become symbols holding a different meaning for all who see it. Someone may enjoy the cycle of a flower that goes to seed, while another person prefers flowering. Either way, every part of nature, the wearer and the maker are important, working together to combine the basic elements of life. as seasons change and dormancy starts to root, bud and flower, I will add pieces to this collection. thanks for taking part in this cycle. I hope you enjoy these one of a kind offerings. xoxo, kim

latifolia leaf earrings

latifolia leaf earrings

from $40.00

on the grave flower, leaves grow opposite each on a hairy stem. the larger surface area and lack of overlapping allow the leaf to soaking up more energy from the fiery sun. this allows the plant to grow taller and survive. silene latofolia are night flowering and pollinated by moths, so they had to adapt in other ways to better survive.

just as every part of a flower is vital to its survival, so are the parts of us. even the parts we may overlook, missing its beauty and importance, or purposefully covering it up out of shame. these parts have helped us grow into who we are, who we work to heal and who we hope to be.

these earrings are made of sterling silver with olive green, fire polished glass beads. hand forged and formed they are an elegant, abstract leaf shape. the front has glowing green beads, like that of dew sparkling in the sun. the back threads through easily and rests comfortably as only the front wire is forged flat. I love this simply, shimmery art deco inspired design.

in two different sizes, it’s easy to choose one that best suits you. the smaller size is about 1 5/8” long with five beads per earring. the larger is about 2 1/8” long with ten beads per earring.

please note, these may vary as they are handmade. as this is a small collection, only three of each size will be available. thanks for joining me on this journey.

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