
relief prints

explorations in printing on paper, handbound books and fabric

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dignity - magnolia

dignity - magnolia


around Imbolc, I find myself looking down on my daily walks, searching for signs of life. something green, a leaf pushing through the soil, maybe? finally, snow drops, crocuses and hellebores begin showing themselves through snow covered grass. I am reassured, the season is unfurling around me. as spring unfolds I start looking up too. the sun catches buds forming on branches, shades of bright green and deep red dance in the wind. and finally, hues of pink, yellow and white show themselves, as trees start to flower. we are reminded everything is temporary, as we take in these petals before they fall to the soil.

magnolias are grand, showy trees of spring. large waxy tepals add color to the sky right when it seemed as if the days would stay grey. in floriography, the victorian language of flowers, magnolias symbolized dignity. they do seem worthy of being honored and respected as one of the first trees to flower after a long, cold winter.

according to wikipedia, the word dignity “is the right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically”. what is more interesting to me, are how others can take away someone’s dignity: humiliation, degradation, objectification and dehumanization are categories of such violations. examples of these violations are: rape, torture, exploitative labor, slavery and social exclusion. it is heartbreaking to me that anyone would want to take a basic human right away from someone else. as a child I had always hoped the future would bring equality, evolving into a world of acceptance and understanding. as an adult, I see this isn’t the case. not now anyway.

personally, when I read this wikipedia article, I realized my dignity has been stripped from me time after time and then some through abuse, neglect, assault, exploitation. . . it is a long list. a list that haunts and empowers me. one that keeps me up, makes me freeze and also sets a fire for me to create. as with magnolia flowers, the violations against me will fade for a few seasons, hurting a little less, allowing me to rejuvenate and flower again.

this is an edition of 16, printed on mulberry paper with tamarind leaves pressed into it. this paper is a delicate tissue weight, unlike the tepals of magnolias. printed with water miscible oil based inks, the bright pink color is vibrant, showing off the details which attract me to this flower. these prints measure almost 8.5” square and are signed, numbered and titled in gold ink.

this is my first edition using what is considered to be true linoleum. I loved the process and the results. here’s hoping you do as well. thanks for reading! xo, Kim

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