
elemental collection

My elemental collection is inspired by places which bring me back to self. Where I go to seek refuge, ground myself, focus on my breath, cleanse myself of anxiety and renew my energy. Most of these places exist in liminal spaces, where sky meets water and turns to mist, trees grow from the dirt reaching towards the sky, where water flows towards sandy earth and ebbs back into itself again and where flowers and grasses dance along the horizon.

This all started with my tidal collection. Searching the shores of New England for pebbles, shells, dried seaweed and driftwood is a wonderfully rich sensory experience for me. The sound of waves rolling in fills my spirit with ease. Watching the sunshine bouncing off waves or dappling through tide pools warms me, on even the coldest of days. The smell of salty air awakens my lungs, relaxing me. Looking down where the ocean rolls to the shore pebbles that have a little inclusion or lines of different colors in them are what catch my eye. My hands follow, fingers pass over their tumbled smoothness, happily coming across an uneven edge knowing this pebble has a bigger part in this body of water it rolled in from. The weight of pebbles in my hands grounds me as I gather different shapes, hoping to capture sense of calm in metal. With this, I give you the Tidal Collection. I hope you find comfort wearing these pieces and their colors, organic shapes, different weights and sizes remind you of how soothing the water is. May your fiddling hands enjoy their subtle textures.

the tidal collection is in stock and ready to ship in 1-3 business days. more work based on the elements will be added from time to time as it will expand with my spiritual growth. my approach to this collection rises and falls with the waves, as do my memories of times spent walking the sandy earth. thanks for your appreciation of this collection. xo, kim

crossroads keys

crossroads keys


over a decade ago, I found myself searching flea markets and vintage shops for keys, waiting for the right one to find me. this simple key without any teeth, but a triangular end was what I connected with. I brought it to my local casting company and asked for it to be cast in bronze. just as it was, pitted and rusted, as if it rolled in from the ocean, lost from the sunken trunk it once belonged to. (since, I have added brass and white bronze). 

over the years, I looked at this batch of keys, wondered what to make of them and placed them back with a bunch of castings I love looking at, but yet had designs for. a few weeks ago, I placed them on my studio altar and decided, to keep it simple. keys are full of possibilities: beginnings, endings, answers, journeys, leaving the darkness for light, your light. they needn’t an addition or accent. only an intention of hope, and faith in self, as you ease your way into another season. a guide to help with an easy transition when you find yourself at a crossroads.

I soldered a jump ring to the top of the key and knotted ribbon to it. this ribbon is dyed with oak leaves, acorns and iron oxide. aside from making our home smell like a forest, it turned white ribbon a lovely shade of grey, with a hint of rust, which reminds us not to be stuck in absolutes, but to see areas of growth in liminal, grey spaces. oak’s spiritual properties remind us of personal power, freedom, strength, rebirth and wisdom. it’s magical properties are abundance, courage, justice and wisdom. these all seemed like fitting properties for a key to help one seek their inner light.

I have sewn handmade silver clasps to this ribbon, making it handmade from start to finish, completing the journey.

I have three types of metal keys (white bronze, bronze and brass) and many yards of ribbon. crossroads keys will be offered made to order so you can choose your necklace length. Shown on me is 23”, which is where 24” would rest on most people (it is layered with a 16” necklace for reference). please allow up to 4 business days for me to sew the clasps for you.

thank you for joining me on this journey. xo, Kim

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